Saturday 31 August 2024

Chop Chop

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I finally cracked and bought an excellent condition used Canon 100mm F/2.8 L IS macro lens today.

I've been contemplating this for a long time, but put it off because my old Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro lens is optically superb, and has served me very well for many years.
Despite that, it has a few limitations inherent in its design - notably that the front barrel of the lens moves in and out as you focus or change magnification, which means it is relatively easy to crash into the subject, and the autofocus is essentially unusably slow, and very noisy.
This moving external part means that anything mounted to the filter thread applies stress to the mechanisms in the lens. Attaching my new macro flashguns felt very precarious, and I really wasn't comfortable with the risk of damaging a good lens by doing this.
The Canon lens has a fixed length barrel, with a fast, quiet, internal focusing mechanism, so it's a solid unit that's much more suited to the way I want to be able to work with the flashes.
While you often don't use AF in macro work, it's definitely a "nice to have" feature, and opens up some possibilities, especially in conjunction with the lens' other trick, image stabilisation.

I'm looking forward to putting this lens through its paces, both for macro and general distance work.

It seems that an unexpected benefit of staying with older, but IMHO still highly serviceable camera system is the relatively affordable availability of excellent lenses on the used market. The shop actually had two of these lenses in stock to choose from!

Friday 30 August 2024

Time's almost up...

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Ratcliffe on Soar power station is due to close very shortly. It's the last coal fired power station in the UK.

Check out @gregfunnell's recent work (here, here, and here) for the Sunday Times Magazine on this power station.
I bumped into him a few months ago and we had an interesting chat.

A few more after the jump.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Watered In

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Wednesday 28 August 2024


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I saw some interesting condensation droplets on the ice packs from my frozen pizza dough delivery this evening, and ended up playing with the new Godox macro flashes.
This colour combination put me in mind of many happy hours spent in the darkroom using multigrade filters to adjust the contrast of my B&W prints.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

HeartHeartHeart / That which is insufficiently flat

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A backup image from a very long time ago, back in February. I did take a few photos today, but they were very boring technical things. You can see one after the jump, if you're inclined to seek out such tedium.

Monday 26 August 2024


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I came across this seemingly abandoned scooter in the park. It was getting quite dark, so I ended up underexposing to keep the image as sharp as practical.
I wanted to play up the slightly spooky feel of the image, so went with this slightly distorted colour palette by adding an inverse S-curve to the red channel and an S-curve to the blue.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Heard It on The Grapevine

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I went to a tasting at @chilternvalleywinerybrewery with my brother-in-law today.
Excellent stuff, engagingly presented. They don't believe in short measures on their tastings!
A couple more after the jump.

Saturday 24 August 2024


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Friday 23 August 2024

Red Glow

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A busy day today tackling an odd IT problem for a family member, so this one's a backup.
Very noisy, particularly before the tender ministrations of Lightroom, and rather soft, but for some reason I like the atmosphere in this shot.

Thursday 22 August 2024

2024-08-22: Sunflower Nectar

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A backup image because I only took family photos today.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

2024-08-21: Indecision

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I couldn't decide between these two, so I'm posting both. (Number 2 after the jump)
The nights are drawing in dramatically now. It was practically dark at 21:30, and it feels like only a few short weeks ago that sunset was at that time.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Sunny Disposition

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Today was better.

I indulged in some retail therapy last night, and ordered a pair of Godox MF12 Macro flashguns that I've been considering for a while. They are pretty nice.

Monday 19 August 2024

That which is lost shall remain unforgotten.

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The best of that which was gained is intangible, yet indelible.

Today wasn't easy.

Sunday 18 August 2024


That's the same stone on top of an AA battery for scale in the second picture (after the jump).

Late posting, as per. I have excuses, but they're boring.
Shot with the MPE-65mm at 5x magnification on the EOS M6 Mk II, on the WeMacro focus rail.
1.5GB of raw files went into this one.
Stacked with Helicon Focus. I used flash to try and keep things sharper, and it does seem to have helped.
I am tempted to get a proper macro flash setup, because the normal flashguns are a bit unwieldy with a subject this small.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Portable Party

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The folks on this boat seemed to be having a very lively night.

I preferred my walk 😅

Friday 16 August 2024

At least the world contains chocolate...

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And pizza, and beer.
3x macro of the end of a Twirl.

Thursday 15 August 2024

2024-08-15: Creativity suppression syndrome

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Late, Backup. Standard fare around here lately it seems.
All I shot today were little more than snapshots of some hacked up cables for a report at work.
I am creatively in a rut at the moment, [melancholy diatribe redacted].

Wednesday 14 August 2024


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Playing with feathers again.
A pure white feather this time, backlit, and producing colours by diffraction through the fine structures.
@andrewfusekpeters has some incredible shots of this effect in the wild, so make sure you check out his work if you don't already know about him.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

The nights are drawing in

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A bit more meddling in Lightroom than I usually go in for, but I thought this dim-ish image could take it.

Monday 12 August 2024

This looks unreal. But it is not

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When I saw the aurora on the other camera, I quickly dug the 6D II out and had a go at getting a shot with the car in.

I was fighting the high ISO noise on this one, although I'm quite sure the Sony shooters in the room would have quite a laugh at the thought of me complaining at ISO10,000.

Technically not a backup either, as I shot it at 00:18 😁

Sunday 11 August 2024

Not one thing, but certainly another

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So, I went out to try and catch the Perseid meteor shower last night.
Through some unfortunate timing, even though there were some big, bright streaks directly overhead, almost none of them were captured by the camera, probably because they fell in the gaps between exposures.
I have lots of trails from aircraft and satellites, but only a handful of short meteor trails.
As I was about to pack up for the night, I spotted a bit of a purple glow on the camera's screen, and realised I was catching a bit of aurora. Nothing like earlier in the year, and maybe just barely visible by eye amongst the light pollution, but most definitely there on camera.

I’ll take that!

Saturday 10 August 2024

A day with friends

Click image to view a bigger version I met up with a group of good friends today.
It was great to see everyone, and one of them brought this lovely boy along.
A very photogenic hound!

A couple more after the jump.

Friday 9 August 2024

2024-08-09: Busy days

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Late and a backup again.
Friday was a madly busy day for me.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Self-Appointed Roadblock.

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One of my neighbours' cats has suddenly taken to sitting and even sleeping out in the middle of the road or in front of people's drives.
I'm worried one of us is accidentally going to squash her, she is completely fearless!
Fortunately, so far, it seems everyone is looking out for her.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Glowing Flock

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Tuesday 6 August 2024


Click image to view a bigger version First try at a macro shot of a feather.
5x magnification with the MP-E65mm, shot as stacks with the WeMacro rail and stacked with Helicon Focus.
A couple more after the jump.

Monday 5 August 2024

Suspended animation

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Another day, another backup photo, unfortunately. This one is at least from yesterday though...

I had to go in to work today, and for no apparent reason, it was particularly tiring. I got home and crashed out on the sofa, so ran out of time and creativity for a photo.

Sunday 4 August 2024

Saturday 3 August 2024

A pattern of lateness

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I need to smarten up my act. I have been late posting a lot recently, as well as using quite a few backup images...
This one was taken with the drone on the same night as "Top Down".

Friday 2 August 2024

Sleepy Boy

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I've got Bailey staying with me for a few days. He's a great little dog ❤️

A couple more after the jump.

Thursday 1 August 2024


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