Monday 30 September 2024

Desync; Decelerate

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At about 15:40 today, Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station disconnected its generators from the grid for the last time.
The UK's power grid is now coal-free.

It's really weird to know that this is it; never again will we see these chimneys and cooling towers releasing their plumes across the landscape.

This thread from @EngineerLondon is worth a read

Sunday 29 September 2024

Head Start

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The first bud has appeared on my Christmas cactus.
It doesn't feel late enough in the year to be seeing this yet, but time is most definitely ticking on!

Saturday 28 September 2024

A Late Night In The Third Dimension

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A backup image again today. The title bears little resemblance to the photo, but is relevant to the day.
I spent many hours upgrading a 3D printer for a chap I met online through one of the 3D printing communities. As a result, no photos happened.

Friday 27 September 2024

Fallen Glow

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Inspired by a recent post by @_snappiness_, I retrieved my old PowerShot S95 from a family member who was no longer using it.
A good clean, a quick trip to Amazon for a new battery, and it's back in action again.
I always really loved this little camera, and I'm enjoying getting reacquainted with it again.
I think it still holds its own, even today, 14 years after it was released.

Thursday 26 September 2024

Just To Be On The Safe Side

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It's been a fairly busy one today, and the only photos I took were a couple of boring technical photos at work, and a few snapshots on my phone of Bailey being cute.
Here's a backup image from a couple of weeks ago.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Fuchsia Fever

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So, it seems that my prognostications about my fuchsia having a second go weren't far wrong. It's looking quite a bit better than when I bought it.
Those little jewels of raindrops on it just set it off nicely, I thought.

A couple more after the jump.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Not a bananaologist

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If I was any kind of made-up-ologist, I suppose "randomologist" might be the most fitting!
Enough of the incoherent babbling, anyway; the main pic here is a backup one, taken a couple of days ago, but the second one (after the jump) is from today.
I'm not entirely happy with the second pic, but I'm posting it because an imperfect attempt is usually more valuable than an abandoned one...

Monday 23 September 2024

Little Things, Little Places, Little Steps. Big Emotions.

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One year on. I'm sometimes amazed that I'm still going at all.
Good family, good friends, and good memories are strong medicine.
You know who you are. Thank you ❤️.

This mug is part of the first present Lucy gave me. I'm picky about mugs, but she really nailed it - these are perfect.

Sunday 22 September 2024

Turn Your Brain Off; Watch The Rain

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The rain on my window caught my eye this morning, so I dug my old Sigma 400mm out to throw the background strongly out of focus.
A video after the jump.

Saturday 21 September 2024

Quite The Storm

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We had one of the best thunderstorms I've experienced in the UK tonight.
Hopefully nobody ended up flooded or zapped!


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A backup image today, it was an extremely busy day.

Thursday 19 September 2024

Round Two

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My Fuchsia has come back for a second go, it seems.
I'm not complaining.
One more after the jump.

Wednesday 18 September 2024


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A backup image today, taken last Friday.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Miscellaneous Waterfowl

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Went out for a wander round one of the local parks this evening because the weather and light were nice.
Quite pleasant after a busy day.

A couple more after the jump.

Monday 16 September 2024

All Breakages Must Be Paid For

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This is a 5x macro shot of the fracture surface of an M4 (4mm or 5/32" diameter) screw that snapped on me while I was working today.
MP-E 65mm at 5x magnification, Godox MF12 flashes. Stacked in Helicon Focus.
It's interesting how large the source files for stacked images end up being. This one was made up of 141 individual shots, totalling almost 4GB.

Sunday 15 September 2024

A matter of perspective.

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Big thing far away, small thing not so far away...
I had a trial flying lesson today - the first time I've operated a real aircraft.
Exciting and interesting in equal measure.

I have a reasonable handle on the basic principles of flight both from general interest and from doing my A2 drone certification, but putting it into practise on a real aircraft is quite a different kettle of fish.
This is the aircraft I flew today, on the flight before mine - my father-in-law was behind the controls here, having his first flight too.
We had a great instructor, who clearly loves everything about flying - he's a NATO pilot for work, and instructs for fun at the weekend.

Saturday 14 September 2024


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A backup image today, taken on my walk yesterday.

Friday 13 September 2024

Bitter End

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Not bitter, not ending, that's just the name of this bit of the rope!

Thursday 12 September 2024

Out of the mist

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Playing with a mini smoke machine...
Quite fun.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Vivit Post Funera Virtus

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A backup image today, taken a few evenings ago.
I always thought the inscription "vivit post funera virtus", above the central gate was specifically because this structure is a war memorial, but from further reading, it actually turns out to be Nottingham's motto.
Virtue outlives death. Not a bad sentiment, I think.
On a very personal note, good memories of this riverside outlive death too.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Playing with the moon

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An impromptu dog walk with my friend before dinner this evening.
The moon was looking rather nice.
I seem to have reverted to my default setting of "use the 70-200mm for everything" again...
One more after the jump.

Monday 9 September 2024


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The basil that was left over from this evening's pizza...
A couple more after the jump.

Sunday 8 September 2024

The optimist

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Fairly late in the year to see a poppy flourishing so well; this was in a field of tall maize plants, so I suppose it has been quite well sheltered.
There were a few around, and they were catching the evening sun beautifully.

Saturday 7 September 2024


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My brain is not functioning after doing battle with my dysfunctional laptop all day!

Friday 6 September 2024


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A good afternoon with the dogs, followed by a beautiful sunset.
Not complaining, on this particular occasion.
One more after the jump

Thursday 5 September 2024

Rollin' on

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Lots of signs of the year moving on into autumn now...

Wednesday 4 September 2024


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Or something similar.
I took a wander out with my parents this evening. The nights are really drawing in now, it feels odd to see the sunset happening before 20:00 already.
I had hoped to catch some nice sunset light, but it seems that it wasn't to be tonight.

I did have some misgivings about the quality of this lens at one point, but it is proving to be quite versatile and I'm much happier with it now. I think I was just comparing it against a sharp prime and expecting the improbable!

One more after the jump

Tuesday 3 September 2024


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This is a 3x Macro with the MP-E 65mm macro lens.
It's made up of 60 shots taken with the WeMacro focus rail, and stacked with Helicon Focus.
I used my Godox MF12 macro flashes, which seem to have helped cure the motion blur issues I experienced when I first started shooting stacks with this lens.

An oddity, probably of interest to no-one but myself: I have thought for years that this confection was a "Malteaser". It was only when I ran a spell check on this post that I realised my error, and it is in fact a "Malteser". 🤷‍♂️

Monday 2 September 2024

Don't Burn Out

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Best Mates

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One more after the jump