Sunday 30 June 2024

More Macro

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Predictably, I've been playing with my new toy today.
I popped round to my parents' house for dinner, and Mum found this very late flowering forget-me-not in the garden.
The second one is a "Teddy Face" Aldi knock-off of a Pom-Bear crisp, and clearly hasn't been fried in quite the same way that yesterday's sample had been - or at least hasn't retained quite as much oil.

I'm looking forward to trying some focus stacking with this lens, but that's going to have to wait a day or two until the motorised focus rail I've ordered arrives.
I've been using my old Manfrotto 454 mechanical focus rail, but at these magnifications (3x for the forget-me-not, and 5x for the crisp), it turns out that it's simply too wobbly to produce acceptable results for stacking, although it is usable for setting up single shots like these.
Second shot after the jump. 


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