Monday, 3 February 2025

The Dream Store

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I went for a bit of a mooch round the park after work this evening. I liked the dreamy look of the defocused storage sheds behind the seed pods.

While I was wandering around, I noticed an electricity pylon making rather a lot of discharge noise, and went to have a bit of a look, as I've never heard it quite like this before.
I managed to capture the light from the corona discharge around the bottom few segments of the string insulators (it's the purple fuzzy stuff in the second photo, after the jump).
I was initially going to report it to National Grid, but when I got to the next pylon, that one was doing exactly the same thing, so I think there must have been some atmospheric effect exacerbating the discharge - which makes sense, because temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure all go into the correction calculations for the high voltage testing I do at work.
It was certainly fizzing like a good'un though.

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