Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Snuffed It

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My first time trying out a new technique today - Intentional Camera Movement or ICM.
I've seen quite a bit of noise about the technique online, and some interesting results, so I thought it was about time I gave it a go. This expired hyacinth flower stem seemed like a good subject.
It's a bit of an odd feeling to deliberately go against the usual grain of maximising camera stability or panning to follow an object, but I quite like the result for a first punt.

I thought I was going to be on the backups again earlier, I felt quite ropey after work, but I eventually picked up the camera and felt a bit better.
I got too focused on work today, and forgot to drink enough.
Hopefully that's all that's going on, and I'm not coming down with whatever putrid bug people have seen fit to bring into the office 🙄.

Monday, 10 March 2025

You Silly Boy!

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You've only gone and broken it!

Part of the cause of a minor meltdown I had last week. I destroyed two small drill bits in as many minutes trying to make holes in copper parts. I thought I'd exorcise the demons by taking macro photos of the victim!
48 photos taken with the WeMacro focus rail, stacked in Helicon Focus.

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Proximate Purple

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A backup photo today, taken Friday.
I'm dealing with a severe lack of creativity at the moment, but I do rather like this one.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Blackthorn Blossom Beginning

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This one's my submission for this week's 52Frames Black and White challenge.
I've included the original colour photo too, after the jump, but I think I actually prefer the black and white version.

I didn't quite get round to it in time for this challenge, but I'm teetering on the brink of ordering the kit I'd need to do some film development again.
I ditched all my developing tanks and associated gubbins when I sold my darkroom setup, and I'm finding I've got a bit of an itch to scratch now I've thought about it!

Friday, 7 March 2025


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I have Bailey staying with me for the weekend, so he ended up coming to work with me on Friday. We went for a walk afterwards, and I managed to get him to sit amongst these daffodils for a portrait.
I rather like this one.

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Caught In A Fleeting Ray

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Late and a backup (again). This one's from last night.
I liked the way the soft spring evening sun caught the blades of grass.
Only a couple of minutes later, the sun had moved off the ground completely.

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Here Lies My Last Nerve

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Something got on it.
A refreshing, albeit rather brief saunter in the last of the sun this evening was helpful to get my head past a very, very frustrating last quarter of the work day.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Paddle Your Own Canoe

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Make sure you launch it first, though...
A late backup photo today, it's been a hectic few days (yet again)

Monday, 3 March 2025

Growing Down

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A backup photo today, shot at the weekend.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Lucy's Orchid

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My friend gave this orchid to Lucy years ago when he borrowed me for a day's DIY-ing, and it's sat on the windowsill ever since.
It came with dire warnings about not overwatering it, so I've always tried to keep up with watering it, but not drowning it.
It never looked as good as when it was new though, and I thought it was slowly dying over the last several years.

A few months ago, I noticed that it was looking particularly sad, and I thought there wasn't much to lose with it, so I hoiked it out of the pot and tidied up the roots, which were growing out of the top of the pot, and had been half-eaten by bugs, and I've been watering it much more.
It seemed to like the treatment, and has had a burst of new growth. When I got home this afternoon, I noticed that this lovely flower had appeared.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Lunch Is Served

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This one's going to be my submission for this week's 52Frames challenge "Unfinished"
I happened upon this heron while I was on a walk with my in-laws, and spent a good few minutes shooting it.
I noticed it staring very intently at a patch of water, and then it went for this fish.
I'm really quite pleased with this photo.